Verena Richter studied theatre studies and has also specialised in art, architecture and design in the…
Olaf Deininger
The business journalist and digital expert looks back on many years of experience in leading positions…
Jochen Vorfelder
Jochen Vorfelder lives and works in Hamburg. The freelance author has been writing about technology and…
Barbara Esser
Barbara Esser is a freelance author in Munich. She worked for several years as a freelance editorial editor…
Wolfram Bernhardt & Frank Augustin
Wolfram Bernhardt is a magazine maker, Frank Augustin is a philosopher and magazine maker…
Steffan Heuer
Steffan Heuer let go of his fear of robots and drones long ago…
Jakob Vicari
Jakob Vicari, freelance science journalist and inventor. Vicari writes…
Harald Willenbrock
Harald Willenbrock, a Hamburg-based copywriter and author, is a member of the brand eins editorial team…
Helene Laube
Helene Laube is a freelance journalist based in San Francisco. From November 2000 until the closure of the Financial Times Deutschland…
Sven Heitkamp
Sven Heitkamp is a freelance reporter and copywriter from Leipzig. He discovers what innovations startups are working on and explores how large corporations work…
Prof. Uwe J. Reinhardt MA
Prof. Uwe J. Reinhardt MA is a cultural scientist, journalist, and exhibition organizer focusing on design, exhibitions, and creative writing…